Is your commercial building’s roof starting to leak? Maybe it’s looking tired and worn-out. If your roof is old, it’s important to consider commercial roofing in Atlanta right away.

Otherwise, your roof might not survive the next major storm that hits the city.

There are now over 108,000 roofing businesses throughout the US. Here are seven factors to keep in mind during your search. With these tips, you can find the best commercial roofing in Atlanta, GA.

Don’t rush to hire the first company you come across. They might lack the tools or experience necessary for the job. In fact, they might do more harm than good when working on your commercial roofing.

Instead, start your search with these tips. Find the best commercial roof installation team in Atlanta today!

1. Gather Referrals

First, talk to other business owners in your professional circle. Ask if they’ve requested commercial roofing in Atlanta recently. If they have, ask about their experience.

For example, you can ask:

  • Did the team arrive on time
  • Were they professional and knowledgeable
  • Did you have any issues working with them
  • Would you hire them again in the future
  • How much did their services cost

You can learn more from someone’s firsthand account. In fact, they might provide you with information you might not find online. 

Make sure to ask each person you speak with if they experienced any problems with the roofers. If they did, ask how those problems were resolved. Find a team that cares about their customers.

If you can find a business owner that requested commercial roofing services, that’s okay. Instead, head online and search “commercial roof installation Atlanta.” Make a list of options to vet further. 

Take the time to determine how long each company has run and operated. Try to choose a long-established business.

These businesses have likely worked out any operational kinks. It’s likely they have a plan to work efficiently, too. They won’t disappear overnight, either. 

You’ll feel more confident choosing an experienced team. They can leverage their experience and expertise when working on your roof.

An inexperienced team, on the other hand, might make costly mistakes. 

2. Check Their Credentials

Once you find a few commercial roofing Atlanta, GA companies, consider their credentials.

First, make sure each company on your list is licensed. Determine if their license covers commercial or residential properties. If it doesn’t cover commercial properties, scratch them off your list.

Make sure their license is up-to-date and relevant for the area, too.

Roofing contractors complete two years of hands-on experience before earning a license. They’ll earn their license from a government agency. 

You can check the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA) website. Make sure the company’s license is up-to-date.

As you review their credentials, ask about liability insurance, too.

You’ll have peace of mind knowing the company will handle the situation if someone is injured on the job. They should cover the situation if someone damages your property on the job, too.

If the company won’t take responsibility for these situations, look elsewhere. 

3. Consider Their Services

As you learn how to choose a commercial roof company, don’t forget to check each company’s services. Make sure they offer the specific services you need. For example, do you need commercial roof repair or replacement?

You might consider other services like:

  • Roof inspections
  • Commercial roof repair
  • Commercial roof replacement
  • Gutter installation and repair
  • Emergency roof repair

You can also ask the company if they offer roof financing options

Consider what type of roofs the company has worked on in the past, too. Otherwise, ask the company if they can improve your roof’s longevity. 

Their experience and expertise could benefit your commercial building for years to come. They’ll ensure you get the most out of your roofing system. 

4. Understand Their Process

Before hiring commercial roofing in Atlanta, ask each team about their process.

For example, they should start by evaluating your current roofing system. Consider the materials they use, too. If they use low-quality materials, you might have to call them back in a few weeks.

Make sure they won’t hide cosmetic damage to your roof. If they place new shingles over old ones, the roof might collapse.

Instead, review the company’s process to make sure they offer high-quality services. 

5. Review Their Work

When searching for commercial roof installation in Atlanta, ask each company if you can see proof of their work. Some companies post portfolio photos on their website. Check their social media pages, too.

Reviewing images of their work can help you determine if they’re capable of meeting your expectations. If the work looks low-quality, scratch that company off your list. 

6. Read Reviews

Before choosing a commercial roof company, look online for customer reviews. You can find reviews on the company’s BBB and Google My Business listings. Read a handful of reviews from each site.

It’s normal to find one or two negative comments. If the bad outweighs the good, scratch that company off your list. Instead, choose a company with a strong professional reputation.

7. Gather Quotes

Ask at least three commercial roofing companies in Atlanta for a quote. Gathering more than one quote can help you compare costs. You can gauge the local average before making a choice.

Determine what’s included in the cost. Ask if the company offers a warranty, too.

A company that offers a warranty will have your best interests in mind. They’ll return if you notice any issues with your roof. Make sure you know what’s included under their warranty. 

Don’t choose a commercial roofing company based on pricing alone. The cheapest option might use low-quality materials. Instead, take the time to review your notes.

Make your final choice based on the company that can meet your needs and expectations. 

Commercial Roofing in Atlanta: 7 Tips for Finding the Best Team in Town

Don’t rush to choose the first company you call. Instead, use these tips to find the best commercial roofing in Atlanta. With these tips, you can feel confident in your final choice.

An experienced team will offer the services you need to protect your commercial building.

Eager to get started? We’re here to help.

Contact our Atlanta roof repair team today for a quote.


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